Friday, January 16, 2009

Where have all the copywriters gone?

Marie's been sharpening her pencils down at the Poetry Library. It's a treasure-chest of all things poetry- from books, anthologies and magazines, down to little children's bags filled with music instruments and puppets!

Seeing as copy is on the up, what with blogs, SMS and websites, it's time to crank our copy up a notch. is a cool place to be to meet poets and read your poetry to each other.

Marie's gonna give it a whirl. Watch this space!

What's black, white and foamy? Obama coffee!

To claim yours all you need to do is enter a participating Krispy Kreme shop and say, "YES WE CAN" to the barista! It's that simple- honest ;-).

Hurry though, as the promotion ends at 7pm this evening!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What the hell is digital?!!?

A short history of marketing from Michael Reissinger on Vimeo.

If you're a tecnophobe, this cute video will give you a peek into our beautiful, complex, 011111010100101-filled world ;-).

Is free making us more free?

D&AD runs awesome Presidents' lectures where you can hear the experiences and opinions from figureheads in advertising, design and digital. We were watching one, by the big cheese from R/GA, Bob Greenberg, and it did occurr to us- why bother paying for a ticket to a President's lecture, when you can now watch His Digital Highness from the comfort of your own bedroom? Bob mentioned amongst many things, We love free (we're eating tinned beans at the mo), so you can imagine our ecstatic whoops of joy, when we realised we can watch any film, for free, by streaming it from this site. He also postulated that in the future ALL films and TV, like music, will become free. Wow! Imagine that! We've got our fingers and toes crossed that that comes true ;-)

The business models of the 20th century are surely hiding under their duvets, afraid to come out to face the bone-chilling cold, that is change. On top of the changes brought about by the digitalisation of our world, The British Chambers of Commerce is stating that the "frightening deterioration" of the economy(BCC) will not ease until at least 2010. They reported that the it's been the worst December for UK retail sales, in at least 14 years.

We, The Digital Explorers are refusing to cower in the background. We'd prefer to embody the philosophies of Aikido, and 'blend with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on'. In other words, roll with life...

The inside of Marie and Sophie's heads.