Saturday, January 10, 2009

Google we love your Cloud.

We have been busy, busy, busy, putting together a new portfolio. Our New Year's Resolution has been to be more organised. In a moment of pure luck, we clicked on every single Google application and found Calender and Docs. They are AMAZING! Calender, does what it says on the tin, and it's become a firm favourite because you can ask it to send you a text message reminding you of an appointment etc for free. Docs has been, dare we say it, 'revolutionary' because you can save a Microsoft Office style document to the web, and work on it at the same time, from different computers. We don't thank God for many things, but we do thank it/he/she/they, that we were born in the 80s and not the 1800s. Although it's felt like the world's falling down around us of late, at least we have Google Apps a.k.a. Cloud Computing. Long live the Cloud! :-D.

Google giving a detailed explanation of 'Cloud Computing'.

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